English Language Programs

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English Language Programs

The English language has become the first language in use and spread in the developed world and others, hence the importance of studying and mastering the English language, as it has become the language used for communication between different peoples diplomatically and socially. In this regard, we cannot overlook the extent of the excellence of studying the English language abroad, as the student masters it at the hands of native speakers, and practices it with its residents on an ongoing basis while carrying out his daily tasks, and from here increases his mastery of the language and its four skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening.

The English language is the most requested language in the labor market in the world, and the vast majority of jobs that depend on communication require mastery of the English language as a prerequisite for acceptance of the applicant, in addition to being the language of modern technology and sciences of all kinds.

Where can I study English?

We have partnerships with English language institutes in the following countries:

New Zealand





South Africa




The importance of English study

1. The English language is the official language used in the study of many different sciences and fields, including computer science, medicine, engineering, economics, and business management. Therefore, students consider studying and mastering the English language fully as the first steps to study those sciences.

2. Proficiency in the English language is a major reason why many people get a unique job opportunity in a reputable institution.

3. The first language of communication between peoples, as many countries consider it the common language among most countries, which is what makes diplomats, politicians and media professionals resort using it.

4. All universities abroad set requirements and conditions regarding the English language before joining the university, which makes many students enroll in English language courses during the preparatory year, in order to be able to successfully achieve the condition of mastering the English language.

5. The English language is also one of the most important languages that contribute to the university researcher's obtaining accurate information and documented sources for all subjects of the study without exception.

Do you know the types of English language programs that can be studied?
General English Program

The General English Language Program meets the different needs of students and helps them make rapid progress in learning English. this program focus is on general communication skills and the four main language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking).

Academic English Program

This program is suitable for a student who has university admission but did not meet the requirements for passing the English language, as it allows him to study in the same university institute. It is called the preparatory program, but it is required when applying for IELTS and that he does not have any skill less than 4 when applying.

Business English Program:

Business English program tends to focus on functional language with a more purpose, where intensive English is taught focusing on basic language skills, professional vocabulary and how to communicate effectively in a professional work setting, such as the English program in Law, Business Administration, Medicine, Aviation, Marketing, etc.

IELTS preparation course

The IELTS test is known as an international test of the English language for non-native speakers, and it is approved by many universities and academic institutions around the world. Therefore, the student needs the IELTS certificate if he wishes to complete his studies abroad, mostly, and in order for the student to pass this test, he needs to prepare and study for Through training courses several months before the test, with the aim of developing his skills and abilities, while others rely on his own abilities and are content with studying and preparing for the test.

Summer Programs

A study program consisting of recreational activities in addition to learning English for young people under 17 years of age. Summer programs extend from June to August of each year, which gives the student the best start to the new school year. Often these programs help the student to improve his English, whether while studying in the classroom or outside. They include fun stories, games and creative activities that inspire the student and build His self-confidence in a pleasant atmosphere under the care and supervision of an educational team throughout the program period until their safe return, in order to ensure the highest standards of quality and safety for participants in the summer program.