Our Services

What should you Expect?

Our establishment is the perfect choice in providing education consultancy to achieve your study goals. When you meet our consultant for the first time, he will take you on a tour to explain all our services to obtain admission from our best universities and institutes

  • Understanding the educational level, experiences, and professional goals
  • The right program that matches student goals
  • Briefing about the admission stages
  • Assist you in obtaining the student visa
  • Find the appropriate accommodation & ticketing

Course Advice

Ide’s counsellors are experts at understanding your study goals and finding the best course that matches your ambitions. This helps the student to identify the study destinations that often make any confusion to the student in choosing them.

Sufficient and fruitful counseling sessions will be provided to students in studying abroad and providing all details in different destinations including study plans and living costs that suit student's budget Also, our counsellors will answer all students’ inquiries that help to draw an integrated picture in the study plan

Course Selection :

After the student gets the information to study abroad, he will choose the appropriate destination and study program, by filling in the application form on our website to obtain an admission letter. Some documents need to be uploaded such as (certificates, passport copy, any other requirements requested by the counsellors)

Apply Now


Document Verification

After choosing the academic destination, our expert Visa team will examine the documents and verify the information before sending the documents to the selected university or institute. Some universities or institutes have different requirements, conditions, and deadlines.

Also, some documents may require certified translation in English where our counsellors can assist with translation services.

Study Abroad Application Process :

After reviewing the documents, our counsellors will send the application to the university or institute, so the documents will be evaluated once the university or institute receives the application.

The processing time will take approximately (4-8 weeks) to obtain an academic admission letter or more for postgraduate programs.

The academic admission letter will be received from the university, where the counselor will read it with the student carefully and verify all the details.

Study Visa

Visa Assistance

The study visa is a key part of the study abroad process. After obtaining the letter of acceptance from the university or institute, our expert visa team will help the student to prepare all the documents required to obtain the student visa.

There are various procedures to apply for a student visa. You should complete your application and visa procedures early so that you receive your visa in a timely manner.

Apply for Visa Now

Interview Preparation

The student will be directed and guided. Our counsellors will guide the student with some technique and skills to help him pass the interview.


One of the main priorities for studying abroad is securing the appropriate accommodation, so our counsellor provides the student with a selection of accommodations in the study destination to choose from. IDE offers more than a few accommodation options that suit student’s budget

Type of accommodations:

  • Student residences
  • Homestay
  • On Campus/Off campus

Airline ticket & Airport reception

The airline ticket reservation is one of complement services to the student where we provide the best prices for airline tickets and the shortest travel time.

The airport reception service is provided in coordination with the university or institute, where our advisor will communicate with the university or institute and submit the airport pickup form. The university or institute will provide all the information and details and our counsellor will guide the student on how to meet the driver at the airport.

Pre-departure Support

Sitting with one of our consultants before traveling makes it easy to prepare the student for the new school life and to make sure the student must carry all papers that he will need upon arrival at the airport. Also, preparing the student for study abroad is important to his success and having all the tools he needs to get the most ideal study.

The session is one hour and covers many topics related to travel including:

  • Basic information about the study destination
  • Intercultural awareness
  • How to adapt to society
  • Legal Aspects
  • Banking procedures